
Investors use these financial products to protect themselves against inflation and they are also used as a diversification instrument. Depending on the type of tracker, it can follow the value of shares, obligations, indexes or raw resources.

Commodity trackers

Commodity trackers follow the value of raw resources such as gold or silver. Trackers are interesting instruments to protect investors against inflation or other market risks. They do not guarantee protection, but it is known that in times of inflation investors look for protection through commodities.


Market trackers

Market trackers follow the value of market indexes around the world. One of the most famous market trackers is the one that follows the Nasdaq. This tracker is known for its famous rate of return, people who would have invested on 1 januari 2010 would have generated a return of approximately 850% until nowadays. People can also follow the Bel20, MSCI ESG universal or other markets depending on the investor’s preferences.


Sector trackers

Sector trackers follow the value of specific industries such as the car industry, bio-technology, climat and so on. These products may be used to benefit from the advantages of a specific sector. This product easily allows you to include thematic diversification in your portfolio.

Different types of investments


When you buy shares of an organization, you become owner of a fraction of the company.

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Investment funds

This instrument includes different financial products such as shares, obligations and other securities in order to diversify the portfolio.

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Trackers are financial instruments that follow the performance of other assets.

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Innovative investments

Additionally to traditional investment markets, we offer access to innovative markets as well.

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Shares are part of a company’s equity. When you buy shares of an organization, you become the owner of a company’s fraction.

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Investment funds

An investment fund is a financial instrument that invests in different financial products such as shares, obligations and other securities in order to diversify the portfolio.

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Trackers are financial instruments that follow the performance of other financial instruments.

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Innovative investments

Additionally to traditional investment markets, we offer access to innovative markets as well.

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An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin
I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.
Warren Buffett
It might make sense to just get some in case it catches on.
Satoshi Nakamoto